Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Note: These are questions that are typically asked during the classes. If you have one, please send it to Patricia Kortekaas

What is an simple explanation of functional indirect technique?
We move the doo-dads! – just kidding
We palpate following a guideline to find the most restrictive barrier in the body. Then using almost no force, we set the area at ease in three planes of motion (flex/extend, rotate up/down and sidebend left/right). When the joints are at ease, they will unwind, and we hold on until they finish.

What reaction(s) should the owner expect to see from the treatment and what should we
recommend for their pet?

Their pet may be sore for a day or two and should be prevented from strenous activities for at least four days.

What are the basic things to remember?

          • Keep your finger nails short!
          • Use your body to move during an examination, not just your hands!
          • Draw in with your “mini-sucker”
          • Use your dominate eye during examinations
          • Treat for gluten and/or sympathetic overdrive first!
          • When “unwinding” occurs, there may be a time when the body is catching up, and you come to a still point. Wait for it to continue. Don’t stop too early!

How do you find your dominant eye?
Make an open fist and look through it at an object. Close one eye. If you still see the object, that is your dominant eye.

What do you tell the owner when you begin working on, for example, the animal’s head, when
it was brought in with a problem with the back legs?

This is the time when you explain that the body is a functional unit, and you have found the area that has the most restricted somatic dysfunctions stacked up. Emphasize “stacked up” so that the owner will understand there is usually more than one mechanically restricted area.

How do you fit a functional indirect examination in a typical 30 minute visit?
Start by explaining that the latest research shows that gluten must be removed from the patient before any other treatment can be successful long-term. This is also true for pets in sympathetic overdrive. Test for these while explaining about gluten in the diet and how pets go into sympathetic overdrive similar to people. If the results are positive, devote this session to gluten/sympathetic protocols. The owners will see a difference, then plan to integrate a functional indirect examination at their next session.

Practice your techniques so that you can identify the areas of greatest restriction to plan for the next visit.