Case Study - Rubinka
Case Study - Rubinka
Case Study - Rubinka




Nala & Fix


* = updated

      • Rubinka

        The following is a letter sent to Nancy Camp from one of her clients.

        Rubinka and I were training for a 5-day backpack trip planned for mid-September, 2011. She turned up
        lame on her front left leg after some typically Airedale “heroic” squirrel chasing during a 3-hour hike just
        days before our trip. After a phone consultation with the on-call vet, I took her on the trip but kept her
        leashed most of the time. She did fine, but I could tell it bothered her some. After we returned, I took her
        to a noted orthopedic veterinary surgeon in the Valley. He determined she sprained her wrist and I was
        instructed to keep off of it for a while. Unfortunately, after “a while” the wrist hadn’t improved and her
        spine was bulging in a funny way, so I took her to a local veterinary acupuncturist/chiropractor. The
        treatments made an immediate difference, and she seemed much happier. These treatments, complimented with herbs, continued regularly through the winter. However, whenever she played even moderately hard or went for a mild hike, I could tell her wrist hurt.

        Finally in March, I went back to the orthopedic surgeon. During his second assessment, Rubinka reacted
        strongly to manipulation of her left hind leg. X-rays revealed a bad hip, the result of some unknown
        accident when she was a puppy. She had a full hip replacement on April 3rd, one month short of her 4th
        birthday. She was one miserable pooch. During each check-up visit at 2, 6, and 8 weeks, the surgeon
        commented that she just wasn’t walking right. Something about a muscle near the hip that was pried
        aside for the surgery, but didn’t migrate back into place as it was supposed to. He said this caused her
        left knee and toes to noticeably flip out when she walked. I was disappointed that he didn’t recommend
        any physical therapy or strengthening exercises. His only recommendation was to take her hiking and let
        her run around. He must never have owned an Airedale! They go 1,000 mph with fierce, terrier determination
        and may turn instantly stone deaf! Plus, she can be reactive to some dogs her size and larger, so this
        wasn’t a realistic post-surgery option.

        My vet tech friend recommended an appointment with you, saying that while she didn’t really understand
        your techniques, they had worked miracles on her Irish Wolfhounds. At wits end and full of concern for
        my dear rambunctious girl, I set up an appointment with you.

        After your first session, Binka slept 2 hours straight, absolutely without moving. A few hours later when
        we went on our evening walk, she walked that fast, long-legged walk that makes me hustle to keep up.
        She hadn’t done that in months.

        The next day she ran around the back yard, and I noticed that more often than not she’d halt with both
        hind legs pretty squared, something she hadn’t done post surgery.

        A few days after the first session, I brought in all the squeaky and tug toys banned since the operation,
        and poured them all onto the floor. Rubinka was overjoyed, picking up the first one and then another and
        another! Then she did tuck butt runs back and forth in the living room, joy shining from her eyes. Finally,
        she just crashed and enjoyed a good long nap!

        The second session you gave her wasn’t nearly so dramatic, but I saw post-treatment improvements
        then too. Overall, in the weeks that followed I noticed she was more playful, more relaxed at ease. She
        moved more easily and her posture was more balanced and square, and when she squatted, her left
        knee didn’t flip out and up as much.

        Was she miraculously cured? No. Her left leg appears to be longer than the right, the result, I believe,
        of a too-long ball stem, which I fear will give her a permanently longer and unbalanced stride on that side.
        The left knee still flips out somewhat as do the toes. She’s regaining the superb fitness and can power
        around the yard. So, thank you! You’ve made a significant difference in the quality of Rubinka’s life,
        both physically and mentally. I look forward (and I know she does too) to future treatments on her
        journey to optimal recovery.
        Kristin F., Hailey, Idaho

        Nancy’s Comments: I used the protocol to take the sympathetic nervous system out of overdrive in the
        first session and checked the empty/fill rhythms in the heart, lungs, and kidneys paying particular
        attention to the ureters. I used Functional Indirect Techniques and addressed the gross misalignments
        in the spine and neck in the following sessions.

        I saw Rubinka today (September 19, 2012) and she continues to make progress. Her caregiver is attentive
        and calls me whenever the dog’s patterns of movement vary from the latest improvement. It’s really nice
        to work with someone who understands targeting small issues before they become big ones. One thing
        that makes this dog rather high maintenance is that the leg with the hardware is longer than the other
        leg so the pelvis will always be un-level.