Nutrition Night

      • Required prequisite for all courses

        Animal Normalization Intro Class Outline

        Students will learn:

            • Osteopathic and functional indirect terminology
            • Shock, lymph, gluten impaction, and beginning fascia
            • Sacral mechanics and gait analysis
            • Mechanical exam

               Day 1:

            • Introduction to the Principles of Osteopathy
            • Functional indirect terminology and techniques
            • Identification of areas of greatest resistance
            • Walking the gait cycle

              Day 2:

            • Overview of Anatomy Trains
            • Beginning lymphatics techniques
            • Beginning vascular techniques
            • Examination

              Day 3:

            • Hierarchy of protective mechanisms
            • Gluten impaction
            • Gluten release protocol
            • Beginning spinal and sacral mechanics

              Day 4:

            • Lumbo-pelvis dynamics
            • Pelvic paradigm
            • Cervical spine
            • Sympathetic overdrive protocol

              Mechanical Exams:

            • Standing
            • Sitting