Course Description
Rule of the Artery
Spinal Mechanics

      • Course Information


         Each course is a 4-day intensive tutorial using Animal Normalization Therapy (ANT©) techniques following an Osteopathic Approach:

              • For veterinarians, vet. technicians, physical therapists, and other health care providers
              • Lecture, demonstration, and hands-on applied practice with an emphasis on palpatory skills
              • Human and animal comparison will be illustrated
              • Uses the principles of motion testing, inherent tissue motion, and motion in relation to the restrictive barrier
              • Inter-related (Introduction, Advanced and Spinal Mechanics are mandatory requirements for the other courses)
              • Approved by the Oregon and Washington Veterinary Licensing Board, Oregon Physical Therapy Licensing Board for CEU’s, and American Holistic Veterinary Association (currently for the Extremity Class only.)
              • Saturday “Nutrition Morning” is an one-hour class that blends lecture and hands-on testing for a variety of topics focused on humans, such as: gluten, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, blood chemistry analysis, and
                heavy metal toxicity. Classes differ with each course.
                Taught by Karen Dvornich, Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, Certified Gluten Practitioner. Fee: $25

        To secure a place in the course, a $300 non-refundable deposit is required.
        Retakes must occur within three years for a discount.

              • Introduction, Advanced, Spinal Mechanics: $500. After three years: $700.
              • Extremities, Cranial, Vascular/Lymph, Fascia: $700. After three years: $850.