What is Animal Normalization Therapy (ANT) for your animal?

Most of the patients that comes to our clinic have already seen other practitioners from either the conventional or alternative worlds of care, sometimes without satisfying results.

ANT has some fundamental differences in its approach of DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT of an ill/injured animal. The focus will be more on the integrity of the body and analyze structure and function in its totality. A regime of only a few ANT treatments commonly helps restore an animal’s normal function more quickly and permanently than using stretching and strengthening exercises alone. First restore FUNCTION, then restore STRENGTH. These normalization techniques are gentle, energetic, functional, and are restoring the body’s own intrinsic rhythms.

What is Animal Normalization Therapy?

Animal Normalization Therapy (ANT)ã is defined as “a unique combination of manual therapy techniques derived from the Principles of Osteopathy with its main goal to “normalize” and “restore” vascular, lymphatic, neurological, and fascial dysfunctions in the body.

(Patricia M. Kortekaas, PT, ANT-c)

ANT is subdivided into six unique categories:

  1. Vascular Normalization Techniques (VaNT) – manipulation of blood vessels
  2. Lymphatic Normalization Techniques (LyNT) – resolve lymph stagnation
  3. Fascia/Dura Normalization Techniques (FaNT and DuNT) – alter fascial lines
  4. Neurological Gait Normalization Techniques – resolve gait alteration
  5. Cranial-Sacral Normalization Techniques (CraNT) – cranium/dura techniques
  6. Functional Indirect Techniques (FIT) – unwinding techniques

Patricia has developed many unique and creative Neurological Fascial Techniques based on the work from Thomas Myers and his Anatomy Trains.