Patricia Kortekaas
I graduated from The Hague Academy for Physical Education and Physical Therapy in the Netherlands in 1985 and immigrated a year later to Eugene, Oregon. I live here with my family and enjoy sailing, skiing, biking, hiking, and most of all riding my VESPA scooters.
I specialize in manual therapy and Osteopathic techniques for humans and small animals. I have taken Osteopathic classes from several doctors of Osteopathy including Geoffrey D. Maitland, Ola Grimsby, Freddy Kaltenborn, Phillip Greenman, Edward Stiles, John Upledger, The Jones Institute, Lauren Rex, and many other manual therapy practitioners including Frank Lowen, LMT.
In OSTEOPATHY, we believe you use the body’s own intrinsic corrective mechanisms to restore full and total body functioning. The body has a Protection Hierarchy to protect around when it is stressed:
- Vascular and Lymphatic systems to save their vital forces, and unifying Fascia
- Nervous system for communication
- Organs for digestion
- Endocrine system
- Musculo-skeletal system
This means you need the unique skills to be able to “manipulate/normalize/restore” in all these specific areas when there are dysfunctions present. Those skills are now all combined in my new Animal/Human Normalization Therapy. The exciting part of my physical therapy career has been to get to this level of practice, and to be able to go beyond the normal physical problems in the body.
About 15 years ago, my Golden Retriever “Bengeltje” started limping on her front leg while on a walk. I manipulated her shoulder just as I did with humans, and we continued our walk, limp free. I thought animals might achieve the same benefits from the manipulations I used on humans. I began studying the anatomy of many animals and began on this marvelous adventure of animal physical therapy.
Using my strong biomechanical background, I pioneered the development of integrated osteopathic techniques for small animal rehabilitation, including cranial osteopathy, fascial manipulation, functional indirect, vascular/lymph and visceral techniques. Osteophonics, the use of tuning forks and frequencies has been a crucial part of my restoring skills. These techniques are integrated into the work at my manual therapy clinic, South Hills Physical Therapy Clinic in Eugene, Oregon.
After teaching classes for the Wildlife Rehabilitation Council in California in 2004, I began lecturing on Osteopathy, Animal Normalization Techniques (ANT) and gluten sensitivity to veterinarians and physical therapists in Europe and North America. In 2006, I began offering 4-day courses presented on this web site.
2004 – Third International Symposium for Veterinary Medicine & Animal Rehabilitation, Raleigh, North Carolina.
2005 – Combined Section Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, (APTA) New Orleans, Louisiana.
2006 – Oregon Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) Eugene, Oregon.
2006 – Willamette Valley Veterinary Association, Eugene, Oregon.
2007 – 2022 – American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association (AHVMA).
2007 – Wild West Veterinary Conference, Reno, Nevada.
2011 – International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS), San Diego, California.
2012 – Oregon Physical Therapy Association Spring Conference, Portland, Oregon.
2019 – IAAMB/ACWT – NBCAAM Jt. Conference, Seattle/Des Moines, WA.
2000 – 2024 Teaching ANT courses in Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, and the United States of America.