ANT: Fascia/Dura Manipulation and Beyond!

Students will learn in the ANT – Fascia/Dura Manipulation and Beyond!  COURSE:

  1. Review Principles of Osteopathy and Hierarchy of Protection (Fascia) in Osteopathy
  2. Facts of Fascia/Dura, principles and neuro-communication
  3. Explaining the Fascial lines from Thomas Myers – Anatomy Trains
  4. Integrated Fascial line techniques
  5. Treating the “Macro” and “Micro” fascial lines in the Body
  6. Arthrokinematics along the fascial lines for animals and humans
  7. The explanation/use of Fascial “Breakers” on hands and feet.
  8. Fascial BioMechanics, Fascial “Tracing” and Fascial Visceral Manipulation
  9. Diagnostics for dysfunctional fascial lines
  10. The use of OTTO tuning forks (Osteophonics) to restore dysfunctional fascial lines

Class Registration Form (pdf) April, 2021