ANT: Cranial/Dura: InsideOut – UpsideDown!

Students will learn in the ANTCranial/Dura COURSE:

  1. Principles of Osteopathy in relationship to cranial-sacral system
  2. Neuroanatomy of the cranio-sacral system in canines/equines/humans
  3. Arthrokinematics of the cranial bones
  4. Inter-relationship Fascial/Dura lines with cranial-sacral mechanics
  5. C1-2 mechanics and Brainstem injuries
  6. Manipulation of neuro tissue, blood vessels and cranial nerves
  7. Cranial-sacral mechanics and the Gait – cycle
  8. Falx and Tentorium techniques – Reciprocal Tension Membrane (RTM)
  9. Neuro integrational gait patterns overview
  10. ANT in relationship with Cranial-sacral mechanics

Class Registration Form March, 2020 (pdf)